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Personal Data Protection Policy

All business activities at Toshiba Plant System & Services Corporation (The "Company") is based upon the protection of personal data in accordance with our philosophy of strictly obeying the law and valuing our customers, clients, employees, partners and people in general; and we believe that the implementation and continuation of this protection of personal data is our social responsibility. The Company defines, implements, and maintains the following Basic Policy for the protection of personal data.

  1. The Company provides a variety of services and products including, thermal, hydraulic and nuclear power generation and substation facilities, infrastructure and environmental equipment for various types of production plants, buildings, water and sewage, telecommunications, airports and railroads as well as systems which use IT technology, wind power and other ecological systems. The Company obtains, uses and distributes relevant personal data in accordance with these activities, and shall take steps to ensure that said personal data is not used for any purpose other than those specified. The Company shall strictly observe laws, government prescribed guidelines and other any other regulations related to the protection of personal data.
  2. The Company shall strive to implement, maintain and improve measures and revisions to the prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alternation or disclosure of personal data.
  3. The Company shall strive to respond to personal data-related customer complaints and inquiries in good faith and in an appropriate manner.
  4. The Company shall employ a personal data protection management system and carry out periodic review and ongoing reform of said system.